It’s been a long time since I’ve shared any personal stuff with my readers, so I feel it’s time to change that. I’m a pretty reserved guy...

"A New Reign" Cover
Well it's finally here! A new "A New Reign" cover... see what I did there? Once again, my lovely and talented cover artist, Amalia...

Reading Group Topics
I have received a lot of excited suggestions from my awesome readers to come up with topics for reading groups. I thought this was a...

"The Spirit of Revenge" Cover
Hey everyone! Check out the new cover for "The Spirit of Revenge" book one of The Atonement Trilogy. I'm super happy with it and I hope...

The Atonement Trilogy Updates
Hey, guys! A lot’s been going on lately so I wanted to take a breath and give you some updates. As some of you might know, I finished the...

The End of the Road
Well, not quite... But I can happily announce that my third book, The Shadow of War, is finally finished! *Cue confetti and balloons*...

The third book is going great! To celebrate hitting 100k words, I thought I'd post a snippet of the final book in "The Atonement...

Updates on the Writing Life
Hey, everyone! Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA recently, real life caught me on the playground and let’s just say it hasn’t been very nice....

Axes and Knives and Bows, Oh, My!
Of course, swords were not the only option on hand if somebody needed killing. As I mentioned in my last blog, Swords, swords were not...

New Horizons
So, I finally graduated! It’s been a long, rough road, but the reward was worth the endless nights studying and pounding my head against...