
Inveira has been a political opponent of Erias since the Age of Broken Swords. Whether over trade routes and tariffs or border disputes, the two countries have had a bloody history of conflict that resulted in Inveira’s increased isolation until the end of the war. Inveira was the primary headquarters of Iscarius’ Aceden rebellion.
Notable landmarks include the white city of Val Idris, the daunting Malrim Mountains, the scenic meeting point of rivers and waterfalls known as the Viper’s Heads, the Iron Fjords where much of the country’s metal is mined, and its many ancient statues that were once built to worship the Forgotten.
Banner: Inveira’s standard changes with each king and is fashioned after their personal sigil. Under King Branim, the country’s banner depicted a white stone crushing a black sword. The image is apparently symbolic of when a youthful Branim led a group of elite soldiers to crush an uprising of Acedens.
Primary exports: Inveira has long been a reclusive country and has withdrawn within its borders even more so after the onset of the Four Hundred Year War. Inveira is largely self-sufficient and therefore rarely trades with other countries, but traveling merchants still manage to buy and sell goods. Primary exports through this method are often in the form of timber, furs, metal ore, and stone. Foreign military arms and armor are illegal to purchase in Inveira.
Inveira is influenced by medieval Russia. This inspiration can be seen in its architecture of steep-roofed timber homes, high stone walls, and grand fortresses. Further inspiration can be found in its people’s fur and wool clothing, and in the often scaled armor of its armies.